Acme IT Solutions | Leading Website Design & Development Company in Nashik.

Mahacriticon 2023 Nashik .

Case Study

Mahacriticon 2023 Nashik


This Website from Nashik Chapter wanted to invite MAHACRITICON Critical Care conference under the auspices of ISCCM. Hence were looking for a new website where users and medical authorities from various fields can attend and participate in this conference. Also wanted to design this it in such a way that visitors can also register for all the events. Here Acme IT Solutions came in picture and managed the event, Campaign and entire marketing of the same.


Technical Requirements
Interactive Learning Platform:
Develop an interactive and user-friendly learning platform that engages students and facilitates effective learning experiences.
Portfolio Showcase:
Implement a section to showcase student portfolios, emphasizing the success stories and projects of past students.
Enrollment and Registration System:
Integrate a seamless enrollment and registration system to streamline the onboarding process for new students.

Our solution

Our solution involved a strategic blend of design and development expertise, resulting in a website that addressed Creative Minds Academy's unique needs:
Key Features
Interactive Learning Modules:
Developed interactive learning modules to enhance student engagement and understanding of architectural concepts.
Enrollment System:
Integrated a seamless enrollment and registration system, simplifying the process for students to join the coaching program.

Website Link


In conclusion, our collaboration with [Architecture Coaching Class Name] resulted in a sophisticated and interactive website, providing a platform that enhances the learning experience and promotes success in the field of architecture.