Acme IT Solutions | Leading Website Design & Development Company in Nashik.

Park Guard.

Case Study

Park Guard


Welcome to our portfolio entry showcasing our collaboration with Park Gaurd from South Africa in creating a clean and straightforward WordPress website. At Acme IT Solutions, we understand the significance of simplicity and clarity in web design, and our partnership with Brett Lee, exemplifies our commitment to delivering effective and user-friendly online solutions.


In developing Park Gaurd Pvt Ltd. WordPress website, we focused on meeting specific requirements essential for a simple yet impactful online presence:

  • Technical Requirements:
    WordPress Integration:
    Utilize the power of WordPress to create a user-friendly content management system, allowing easy updates and maintenance.
  • Responsive Design:
    Ensure the website is fully responsive, providing an optimal shopping experience across various devices, from desktops to mobile devices.
  • Customization and Extensibility:
    Implement a customizable and extensible design, allowing for future growth and adaptation to changing business needs.
  • Stakeholder Requirements
    Content Presentation:

    Present content in a clear and organized manner, enabling visitors to quickly grasp the key information about Park Gaurd.
  • Contact Form Integration:
    Implement a user-friendly contact form, facilitating communication between Park Gaurds and its website visitors.
  • Easy Navigation:
    Design an intuitive navigation structure, allowing users to easily explore different sections of the website. Timeline and Milestones
  • Discovery and Planning:
    Conducted discussions with Park Gaurd to understand their goals and define project scope and objectives (4 weeks).

Website Link

Our solution

Our solution involved a strategic blend of WordPress expertise, resulting in a website that addressed Bretts's unique needs:
-Key Features
WordPress CMS:
Leveraged the flexibility of WordPress for easy content management, allowing Brett to update and maintain the website effortlessly.
Responsive Design:
Ensured the website's responsiveness for a seamless experience across different devices.
Clear Content Presentation:
Organized content in a clear and concise manner, facilitating quick understanding for website visitors.
Ease of Maintenance:
The WordPress CMS allows Brett Lee to easily update and manage the website's content without requiring technical expertise.
Consistent Branding:
The design aligns with Brett's brand identity, conveying a cohesive and professional online presence.
User-Friendly Experience:
The straightforward design and intuitive navigation provide an enjoyable and efficient experience for website visitors.


In conclusion, our collaboration with Brett resulted in a simple yet effective WordPress website that meets the objectives of clarity, ease of maintenance, and a positive user experience.